
How to Choose the Right College for 学生 Who Learn Differently


具有里程碑意义的大学 students on campus

为学习方式不同的学生找到合适的大学可能是一个具有挑战性和压倒性的过程. Each student has individual priorities and needs. Should you consider a college such as 具有里程碑意义的大学, which is dedicated exclusively to students 与 learning disabilities (such as dyslexia), 注意力缺陷多动症, 和自闭症? 或者,传统的大学是否会为学生提供良好的服务,提供LD住宿作为附加服务?

以下是您需要询问的一些关键问题的答案,以便您可以找到最适合您的学生的资源和功能. 阅读后, click here to request more information


Compare 具有里程碑意义的大学 to traditional colleges 与 accommodations for students 与 LD

Are LD 支持 服务 integral to the academic experience?

具有里程碑意义的大学的 综合保障体系 is designed and customized for students who learn differently. Support 服务 are integrated into the curriculum for all students, and they do not have to take special steps to access them. Our 学术顾问 model is individualized to help students become their own advocates.

具有里程碑意义的大学 science class 与 students and Professor Brian Young具有里程碑意义的大学的学术支持中心为写作提供全面和个性化的支持, 阅读, 学习技巧, 与 特殊的中心 专门致力于商业,计算机科学,科学,数学和教育技术. LC provides Counseling and Health 服务, a 住宅生活 支持 system, 学术顾问, 执行功能辅导, 宠物治疗项目, 教育技术, and 社会 pragmatics 服务 for students 与 ASD.
传统的大学有一个残疾人支持办公室,根据1990年《亚洲最大体育平台》的要求,为学生提供“便利”. 学生 必须申请服务 in what can be an extensive process 与out guarantee of a full or timely outcome. 并不是所有的大学都提供法律要求之外的服务,而且很多都是收费的.

数据显示,在高中接受特殊教育服务的学生中,只有35%的人在大学里接受了残疾人服务. Use of and access to disability 服务 are entirely up to the student, who must 寻找专门的导师 和技术, 例如, 在向高等教育过渡的过程中增加了额外的责任负担.

Learn more about 具有里程碑意义的大学的 学术服务.


是否有针对学习障碍(如阅读障碍)学生的医疗税收减免或其他经济援助选择?, 注意力缺陷多动症, 或自闭症?

学费 and fees at 具有里程碑意义的大学, along 与 additional costs such as books, 电脑, and other education-related expenses, 可能符合 medical tax deduction for students 与 learning and attention issues. 这项扣除只适用于专门的LD学校,可以被认为是对这种情况的“治疗”. An increasing number of scholarships are also available to 具有里程碑意义的大学 students. 此外,我们的财政援助办公室与家庭合作,帮助资助学生的教育.
Financial aid offices at traditional colleges can assist 与 a mix of loans, 奖助金, and scholarships which are available to all students of higher education. Medical tax deductions are typically not an option at a traditional college, and scholarships specific to students 与 learning disabilities, 注意力缺陷多动症, 或自闭症 are rare.



具有里程碑意义的大学 student interning at a local science and re搜索 company. 具有里程碑意义的大学提供从申请过程开始到毕业后的职业支持. 职业联系办公室为学习方式不同的学生提供了丰富的职业和实习服务, including on- and off-campus internships and an 就业准备计划 for students who are just starting out in the workforce.
Traditional colleges often offer a network for alumni connections, as well as 服务 such as career advising and professional development, but it is rare for a conventional school to offer advice focused on the LD student population. Support 服务 that specialize in understanding learning differences 几乎不存在 in career 服务 offices at traditional colleges.

了解更多关于Landmark的信息 职业与实习 服务.


学院是否证明了其为有学习障碍(如阅读障碍)的学生创造最佳学习环境的承诺?, 注意力缺陷多动症, 或自闭症?

The Nicole Goodner MacFarlane building at 具有里程碑意义的大学 具有里程碑意义的大学 Institute for 研究 and 培训 (LCIRT)是LD研究的先驱,并培训教育工作者在学习障碍方面实施以学生为中心的最佳实践, 注意力缺陷多动症, 自闭症教育. LCIRT与具有里程碑意义的大学的教职员工之间建立了强有力的合作伙伴关系,从而产生了提高学生成绩的创新策略. 除了, LCIRT由国家科学基金会资助,允许学生与教授一起工作,并获得课程学分或补偿他们在LCIRT实验室的工作.


做住宅, 社会, 课外活动的机会有助于培养有学习障碍(如阅读障碍)的学生的信心和社交技能。, 注意力缺陷多动症, 或自闭症?

Soccer game at 具有里程碑意义的大学的 Charles Drake Athletic Field The college experience is shaped by more than just 学者. 我们经常从学生那里听到的一个评论是,他们觉得自己“刚刚适应”了具有里程碑意义的大学 这里的每个人都“得到”它们. From residential life to extracurricular activities on campus or nearby in southern Vermont, 鼓励学生在支持和鼓励下探索全面生活的各个方面,使他们茁壮成长.
Student life at traditional colleges and universities is as varied as the school’s character, 位置, 和大小. Few traditional colleges offer residences, 支持, or programs specific to students 与 learning disabilities, 所以在某种程度上,这些学生觉得需要一个志同道合的人组成的社区, they may need to create it for themselves.

了解更多有关 ways 具有里程碑意义的大学 seeks to create a vibrant and 支持社区 对学生来说.


​Do students have ready access to assistive technology tools and 支持?

在地标学院, 学生被介绍到一个系统的低到高科技的工具和策略,以帮助他们认识到自己的优势作为一个学习者. Our 教育技术 支持 is free of charge, 哪一种方法可以让学生尝试对他们的学习方式最有效的工具和选择. LC不断审查其技术工具和策略,为新兴和经过时间考验的文本阅读器的学生推荐最佳匹配, 无障碍数字文本, 图形的组织者, 时间管理工具, 以及语音转文本软件.
在许多传统大学, 为有学习障碍的学生提供的辅助技术对学生来说既不容易获得,也不能融入课堂体验. 学生通常必须联系学校的残疾办公室询问可用的技术, and may be faced 与 additional fees and/or lengthy delays to get access to the resources. At some traditional colleges, students may need to acquire assistive technology independently.

了解更多有关 教育技术 and consultations available to students at 具有里程碑意义的大学.


家长能否期待与大学工作人员的密切沟通,这对有学习障碍(如阅读障碍)学生的家长特别有帮助?, 注意力缺陷多动症, 或自闭症?

具有里程碑意义的大学 student and family walking through the Quad 具有里程碑意义的大学 fosters an environment of open communication among families, 学院, 和学生. 通过家庭辅导和家庭周末(以及LC的家庭服务)的主要焦点是 帮助家长了解成功学生的支持、需求和发展里程碑 in college (versus high school). Prospective families can read student stories, 安排一次校园参观, or contact parents of current students.
家长和学生可以联系学校亚洲博彩平台排名(或相关)办公室,向行政办公室和部门提出问题. While their answers may be adequate for the general population of students, they are unlikely to address the specific concerns of parents of students 与 learning disabilities, 注意力缺陷多动症, 或自闭症.

Learn more about 具有里程碑意义的大学的 家庭计划.


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