


林恩·谢伊 headshot


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林恩·谢伊 has served in many capacities at 具有里程碑意义的大学, having chaired the English and Humanities departments, directed Landmark's Institute of 研究 and 培训, chaired the 教师 Senate, and served as a full professor in the English Department. 


M.A., English, Middlebury College

B.A., English Literature and 教育, Dartmouth College


谢伊,L.Hecker, L.拉洛尔,A. (2019) From Disability to 多样性: College Success for Students with Learning Disabilities, 注意力缺陷多动症, and Autism Spectrum Disorder (National Resource Center).

谢伊,L., Ed系列. (2003). The 具有里程碑意义的大学 Guides to Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities, 具有里程碑意义的大学.

谢伊,L. 斯特罗思曼,S.W, Eds. (2003). Teaching in the Disciplines: Classroom Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities, 具有里程碑意义的大学.

谢伊,L. 斯特罗思曼,S.W. (2003). Understanding Learning Disabilities at the Postsecondary level. 具有里程碑意义的大学.

谢伊,L. (2003). Understanding legal issues and accommodations: suggestions for faculty. In Understanding Learning Disabilities at the Postsecondary level. L.C. 非洲酪脂树 & S.W. Strothman, Eds., 具有里程碑意义的大学.

谢伊,L. (1998) Gender issues and comorbidity: Considerations for service providers. In Rethinking AD/HD P.Q. 奎因 & A. 麦考密克、Eds. Advantage Books, Bethesda, MD.

呆子,M. 谢伊,L. (1998). Rethinking the writing classroom: Meeting the needs of diverse learners. In Developmental 教育: Meeting diverse student needs. P.L. Dwinell & J. Higbee, Eds. National Association of Developmental 教育, Morrow GA.


Select 演讲: Beyond Accommodations: A Phenomenological Model for Learner 多样性 in the 21st Century Composition Classroom (April 28, 2014). 纸. College English Association National Conference, Baltimore, MD.

In Their Own Voices: Self-Reflection on the Composition Process of College Students with Asperger’s or High Functioning ASD (March, 2013). College Conference on Composition and 沟通, 联袂演示者. 拉斯维加斯,内华达州

Neurodiversity and the Composition Classroom (November, 2011). Teaching English at the Two Year College Conference, 联袂演示者. 波特兰,我

Learning Differences in the New Age: What Writing teachers need to know (November, 2010) Teaching English at the Two Year College Conference, 联袂演示者. 华盛顿特区.C.

Addressing attention deficit disorder (ADD) and executive function challenges in the first-year program, (1月, 2009). National Conference on the First Year Conference, National Resource Center for the First Year Experience and Students in Transition. Invited pre-conference workshop, 联袂演示者. 奥兰多,佛罗里达.

Executive function and the first year transition (2008, June). International Conference on the First Year Experience, National Resource Center for the First Year Experience and Students in Transition, 联袂演示者. 爱尔兰都柏林.

Transition for students with AD/HD: Challenges and opportunities, (2006, June) 18th Annual Postsecondary Disability 培训 Institute Conference, 联袂演示者. 佛蒙特州的伯灵顿.

Academic Interests

Executive Functioning and 注意力缺陷多动症


The Transition to College and First-Year Curriculum​


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